Allmyles PHP SDK


The Allmyles PHP SDK is a PHP package aiming to simplify integration of the Allmyles API into PHP projects. The SDK is designed to be as forgiving as possible, often accepting multiple types as input, handling conversion between different (at least somewhat sensible) types automatically.

You can find the project’s source on GitHub.


Just add this in your composer.json file and run composer install:

"require": {"allmyles/allmyles-sdk-php": "1.*"}

Or, if for some reason you can’t use a package manager, you can also just download the SDK’s source in a ZIP archive from GitHub and handle your dependencies manually. You really shouldn’t be doing that, though.

Example Code

The allmyles-sdk-php repository contains several examples in /doc/examples/. You might want to try those to get a general feel for how the SDK and the ticketing process work in general before you delve into the details down below.

There’s code for three different ways to use the API—these are completely intercompatible, though. We recommend you to read through the simple booking flow first, as that contains everything you need to successfully create a ticket. The complex flow is kind of a showcase for all the advanced ways you can use the API, you will most likely not need everything from there. (It might be a good idea to start reading the API Reference once you’re about to start experimenting with these advanced features.)

The raw examples take a lot of responsibility off the shoulders of the SDK; the requests are written more or less manually in those. This should be used by advanced users who don’t feel comfortable deferring the task of crafting the requests to the SDK, and would rather build arrays themselves instead of using the SDK’s query classes. Raw requests might also come in handy if the Allmyles API has new features deployed that aren’t supported by the SDK just yet.


Initialization is done by creating an Allmyles\Client object with the API access details given as arguments. Each request will be made via a method call to this object.

Initialization will look something like this:

$allmyles = new Allmyles\Client('', 'api-key');

API Reference

class Allmyles\Client
__construct($baseUrl, $authKey)

Initializes your Allmyles client.

  • $baseUrl (string) – The URL of the Allmyles API you’re using (ex.
  • $authKey (string) – Your API key for the Allmyles API.

A Client object.

searchFlight($parameters[, $async = true, $session = null])

Sends a flight search request to the Allmyles API.

  • $parameters (mixed) – This should be either a Flights\SearchQuery object, or an associative array containing the raw data to be sent off based on the Search API docs.
  • $async (boolean) – Whether the SDK should defer asyncronosity to your code or not. Setting this to false will make the method call block until a search response arrives (which can take around 30-40 seconds.) If it’s true you will need to periodically call the response’s retry method yourself until the results arrive.
  • $session (string) – If you want to manually set the session cookie for the workflow, specify it here. The SDK automatically handles sessions, though, so feel free to leave this out.

A Curl\Response object. Calling Curl\Response::get() on this returns an array of Flights\FlightResult objects.

searchHotel($parameters[, $session = null])

Sends a hotel search request to the Allmyles API.

  • $parameters (mixed) – This should be either a Hotels\SearchQuery object, or an associative array containing the raw data to be sent off based on the Search API docs.
  • $session (string) – If you want to manually set the session cookie for the workflow, specify it here. The SDK automatically handles sessions, though, so feel free to leave this out.

A Curl\Response object. Calling Curl\Response::get() on this returns an array of Hotels\Hotel objects.

searchCar($parameters[, $session = null])

Sends a car search request to the Allmyles API.

  • $parameters (mixed) – This should be either a Cars\SearchQuery object, or an associative array containing the raw data to be sent off based on the Search API docs.
  • $session (string) – If you want to manually set the session cookie for the workflow, specify it here. The SDK automatically handles sessions, though, so feel free to leave this out.

A Curl\Response object. Calling Curl\Response::get() on this returns an array of Cars\Car objects.

searchLocations($parameters[, $session = null])

Sends a masterdata search request to the Allmyles API.

  • $parameters (array) – This should be an associative array containing the raw data to be sent off based on the Search API docs.
  • $session (string) –

An associative array containing the location search results.

retrieveMasterdata($repo[, $session = null])

Sends a masterdata retrieval request to the Allmyles API.

  • $repo (string) – This should be the name of one of the data repos served by Allmyles (ex. ‘airports’).
  • $session (string) –

A Curl\Response object. Calling Curl\Response::get() on this returns an array.


The methods below are only documented for the sake of completeness. Only use them if you really, really need to. The methods of the Flights\Combination class handle using all these automatically.

getFlightDetails($bookingId[, $session = null])

Gets the details of the given booking ID from the Allmyles API. In almost all cases, this should not be directly called, use Flights\Combination::getDetails() instead.

  • $bookingId (string) –
  • $session (string) –

A Curl\Response object.

bookFlight($parameters[, $session = null])

Sends a book request to the Allmyles API. In almost all cases, this should not be directly called, use Flights\Combination::book() instead.

  • $parameters (array) –
  • $session (string) –

A Curl\Response object.

addPayuPayment($parmaeters[, $session = null])

Sends a PayU transaction ID to the Allmyles API to confirm that payment was successful. In almost all cases, this should not be directly called, use Flights\Combination::addPayuPayment() instead.

  • $parameters (array) – Contains ‘payuId’ and ‘basket’
  • $session (string) –

A Curl\Response object.

createFlightTicket($bookingId[, $session = null])

Gets a ticket for the given booking ID from the Allmyles API. In almost all cases, this should not be directly called, use Flights\Combination::createTicket() instead.

  • $bookingId (string) –
  • $session (string) –

A Curl\Response object.


Gets the details of the given hotel from the Allmyles API. In almost all cases, this should not be directly called, use Hotels\Hotel::getDetails() instead.


A Curl\Response object.


Gets the details of the given room from the Allmyles API. In almost all cases, this should not be directly called, use Hotels\Room::getDetails() instead.

  • $room (object) – This should be a Hotels\Room object

A Curl\Response object.

bookHotel($parameters[, $session = null])

Sends a book request to the Allmyles API. In almost all cases, this should not be directly called, use Hotels\Room::book() instead.

  • $parameters (array) –
  • $session (string) –

A Curl\Response object.

getCarDetails($bookingId[, $session = null])

Gets the details of the given car from the Allmyles API. In almost all cases, this should not be directly called, use Cars\Car::getDetails() instead.

  • $bookingId (object) – A string, one of the vehicle_id values for the search results.

A Curl\Response object.

bookCar($parameters[, $session = null])

Sends a book request to the Allmyles API. In almost all cases, this should not be directly called, use Cars\Car::book() instead.

  • $parameters (array) –
  • $session (string) –

A Curl\Response object.

class Allmyles\Curl\Response

A response from the Allmyles API. Methods that are for internal use only are excluded from this documentation (such as __construct().)


Processes the received response, and returns the processed result.

Returns:Varies per call, check the notes next to the return values in this documentation to find out what get() will return.

Retries the request that resulted in this response. This comes in handy when making async calls.

Returns:A new Curl\Response object.
class Allmyles\Flights\SearchQuery

This is the object you can pass to a Allmyles\Client::searchFlight() call to simplify searching.

__construct($fromLocation, $toLocation, $departureDate[, $returnDate = null])

Starts building a search query. Searches for a one way flight if no $returnDate is given.

  • $fromLocation (string) – A location’s three letter IATA code.
  • $toLocation (string) – A location’s three letter IATA code.
  • $departureDate (mixed) – Either an ISO formatted timestamp, or a DateTime object.
  • $returnDate (mixed) – Either an ISO formatted timestamp, or a DateTime object.

A SearchQuery object.

addPassengers($adt[, $chd = 0, $inf = 0])

Adds the number of passengers to your search query. This is required for your search request to go through.

  • $adt (integer) – The number of adults wanting to travel.
  • $chd (integer) – The number of children wanting to travel.
  • $inf (integer) – The number of infants wanting to travel.

Adds a filter to your query that restricts the search to a specific provider.

  • $providerType (string) – The provider to filter to. Use the following contants:

All providers


Traditional flights only


LCC flights only


Adds a filter to your query that restricts the search to specific airlines.

  • $providerType (mixed) – Either a two letter IATA airline code as a string, or an array of multiple such strings.
class Allmyles\Flights\FlightResult
property combinations

An associative array of booking ID to Combination key-value pairs.

Contains the combinations the passenger can choose from in this result.

property breakdown

An associative array.

Contains a breakdown of fares per passenger type. See Breakdown.

property totalFare

A Common\Price object.

Contains the fare total to the best of our knowledge at this point.

class Allmyles\Flights\Combination

This is the bookable entity, and these methods are where most of the magic happens.

property flightResult

A FlightResult object.

Contains the parent flight result.

property bookingId

A string.

Contains the booking ID associated with this combination.

property providerType

A string.

Contains the provider that returned this result.

property legs

An array of Leg objects.

Contains the legs that this combination consists of.

property serviceFee

A Common\Price object.

Contains the service fee for this combination.


Sends the flight details request for this flight.

Returns:A Curl\Response object. Calling Curl\Response::get() on this returns an associative array with the response from the Allmyles API in it. See Details.

Sends the book request for this flight.

  • $parameters (mixed) – Either a BookQuery object, or an associative array containing the raw data to be sent off based on the Booking API docs.

Either true when booking LCC, or a Curl\Response object for traditional flights. Calling Curl\Response::get() on this returns an associative array with the response from the Allmyles API in it. See Booking.


Sends the PayU transaction ID to confirm that payment for the ticket has been completed for this flight.

  • $payuId (string) – The PayU transaction ID to confirm payment with.



Sends the ticket creation request for this flight.

Returns:A Curl\Response object. Calling Curl\Response::get() on this returns an associative array with the response from the Allmyles API in it. See Ticketing.
class Allmyles\Flights\Leg
property combination

A Combination object.

Contains the parent combination.

property length

A DateInterval object

Contains the length of the leg in hours and minutes.

property segments

An array of Segment objects.

Contains the segments of this leg.

class Allmyles\Flights\Segment
property leg

A Leg object.

Contains the parent leg.

property arrival

A Stop object

Contains details about the arrival stop.

property departure

A Stop object.

Contains details about the departure stop.

property airline

A string.

Contains the two character IATA code of the affiliated airline.

property flightNumber

A string.

Contains the flight’s number.

property availableSeats

An integer.

Contains the number of seats left at this price.

property cabin

A string.

Contains which cabin the passenger will get a ticket to on this segment.

class Allmyles\Flights\Stop
property segment

A Segment object.

Contains the parent segment.

property time

A DateTime object

Contains the time of the arrival or departure.

property airport

A string.

Contains the three letter IATA code of the airport where the arrival or departure is going to take place.

property terminal

A string, or null.

Contains the terminal of the airport where the arrival or departure is going to take place, or null if the airport only has one terminal.

class Allmyles\Flights\BookQuery

This is the object you can pass to a Flights\Combination::book() call to simplify booking.

__construct([$passengers = null, $contactInfo = null, $billingInfo = null])

Starts building a book query.

  • $passengers (array) – The details of the people wanting to travel. See Passenger in the API docs.
  • $contactInfo (array) – The contact details to book the flight with. See Contact in the API docs.
  • $billingInfo (array) – The billing details to book the flight with. See Contact in the API docs.

A BookQuery object.


Adds passengers to your book query.

  • $passengers (array) – Either an associative array containing data based on Passenger in the API docs, or an array of multiple such arrays.

Adds contact info to your book query.

  • $address (array) – The contact details to book the flight with. See Contact in the API docs.

Adds billing info to your book query.

  • $address (array) – The billing details to book the flight with. See Contact in the API docs.
class Allmyles\Hotels\SearchQuery

This is the object you can pass to a Allmyles\Client::searchHotel() call to simplify searching.

__construct($location, $arrivalDate, $leaveDate[, $occupants = 1])

Starts building a search query.

  • $location (string) – A location’s three letter IATA code.
  • $arrivalDate (mixed) – Either an ISO formatted date (ex. 2014-12-24), or a DateTime object.
  • $leaveDate (mixed) – Either an ISO formatted date (ex. 2014-12-24), or a DateTime object.
  • $occupants (integer) – The number of occupants looking for a hotel.

A SearchQuery object.

class Allmyles\Hotels\BookQuery

This is the object you can pass to a Flights\Combination::book() call to simplify booking.

__construct([$occupants = null, $contactInfo = null, $billingInfo = null])

Starts building a book query.

  • $occupants (array) – The details of the people wanting to travel. See Passenger in the API docs.
  • $contactInfo (array) – The contact details to book the hotel with. See Contact in the API docs.
  • $billingInfo (array) – The billing details to book the hotel with. See Contact in the API docs.

A BookQuery object.


Adds occupants to your book query.

  • $occupants (array) – Either an associative array containing data based on Passenger in the API docs, or an array of multiple such arrays.

Adds contact info to your book query.

  • $address (array) – The contact details to book the flight with. See Contact in the API docs.

Adds billing info to your book query.

  • $address (array) – The billing details to book the flight with. See Contact in the API docs.
class Allmyles\Hotels\Hotel

This contains data about entire hotels.

property hotelId

A string.

property hotelName

A string.

property chainName

A string.

property thumbnailUrl

A string.

Contains a link to a small image representing this hotel.

property stars

An integer.

Contains the amount of stars this hotel has been awarded.

property priceRange

A Common\PriceRange object.

Contains the available rates for this hotel (for the cheapest and the most
expensive room).
property location

A Common\Location object.

Contains the coordinates of the hotel.

property amenities

An associative array, maps strings to booleans.

Contains whether the hotel has any of the listed amenities.

  • restaurant
  • bar
  • laundry
  • room_service
  • safe_deposit_box
  • parking
  • swimming
  • internet
  • gym
  • air_conditioning
  • business_center
  • meeting_rooms
  • spa
  • pets_allowed

Sends the hotel details request for this hotel.

Returns:A Curl\Response object. Calling Curl\Response::get() on this returns an associative array with the response from the Allmyles API (see Details.), and also an array of bookable room objects in the ‘rooms’ key.
class Allmyles\Hotels\Room

This contains data about a room in a hotel.

property hotel

A Hotel object.

Contains the parent hotel.

property hotelId

A string.

property bookingId

A string.

property price

A Common\Price object.

Contains the total price for this room. Make sure to take the values of the two attributes below into consideration when working with this value.

property priceVaries

A boolean.

If this is true, then the hotel has a different rate for at least one of
the nights. The given price is the rate of the most expensive day.
property priceScope

A string.

Either ‘day’, or ‘trip’. The given price covers this scope.

property stars

An integer.

Contains the amount of stars this hotel has been awarded.

property traits

An associative array.

Contains the traits of the given room, including the category, bed/shower availability, whether smoking is allowed, and whether it is a suite.

property bed

A string.

Specifies the type of the bed in the room. Can be one of the values below.

  • single
  • double
  • twin
  • king size
  • queen size
  • pullout
  • water bed
property description

A string.

Contains a short text about the room.

property rules

An associative array.

Contains each rule type listed below with the relevant text, or a relevant boolean value.

Keys: ‘cancellation’, ‘notes’, ‘needs_guarantee’, ‘needs_deposit’

Available only after Room::getDetails() has been called.

property charge

A Common\Price object.

Contains the amount that needs to be charged on the guest’s credit card to book this room.

Available only after Room::getDetails() has been called.

property includes

An array of strings.

Contains what services or extras are included in the price.

Available only after Room::getDetails() has been called.

property quantity

An integer.

Contains the amount left to be booked of this room.


Sends the hotel room details request for this room and updates the object with new attributes.

Returns:The currently used Allmyles\Hotels\Room object.

Sends the PayU transaction ID to confirm that payment for the room has been completed.

Does not need to be called if the required charge was zero

  • $payuId (string) – The PayU transaction ID to confirm payment with.



Sends the book request for this room.

  • $parameters (mixed) – Either a BookQuery object, or an associative array containing the raw data to be sent off based on the Booking API docs.

A Curl\Response object. Calling Curl\Response::get() on this returns an associative array with the response from the Allmyles API. See Booking.

class Allmyles\Cars\SearchQuery

This is the object you can pass to a Allmyles\Client::searchCar() call to simplify searching.

__construct($location, $startDate, $endDate)

Starts building a search query.

  • $location (string) – An airport’s three letter IATA code.
  • $startDate (mixed) – Either an ISO formatted date (ex. 2014-12-24), or a DateTime object.
  • $endDate (mixed) – Either an ISO formatted date (ex. 2014-12-24), or a DateTime object.

A SearchQuery object.

class Allmyles\Cars\BookQuery

This is the object you can pass to a Cars\Car::book() call to simplify booking.

__construct([$persons = null, $contactInfo = null, $billingInfo = null])

Starts building a book query.

  • $occupants (array) – The details of the people wanting to travel. See Person in the API docs.
  • $contactInfo (array) – The contact details to book the hotel with. See Contact in the API docs.
  • $billingInfo (array) – The billing details to book the hotel with. See Contact in the API docs.

A BookQuery object.


Adds people to your book query.

  • $persons (array) – Either an associative array containing data based on Person in the API docs, or an array of multiple such arrays.

Adds contact info to your book query.

  • $address (array) – The contact details to book the flight with. See Contact in the API docs.

Adds billing info to your book query.

  • $address (array) – The billing details to book the flight with. See Contact in the API docs.
class Allmyles\Cars\Car

This contains data about cars. See explanation of field values in the API docs, in the Car chapter’s Search section.

property vehicleId

A string.

property price

A Common\Price object.

property vendor

A Cars\Vendor object.

property isAvailable

A boolean value.

property isUnlimited

A boolean value.

property overageFee

An associative array.

Keys are ‘includedDistance’ as an integer, ‘unit’ as a string, and ‘price’ as a Common\Price object.

property traits

An associative array.


Sends the car details request for this hotel.

Returns:A Curl\Response object. Calling Curl\Response::get() on this returns an associative array with the response from the Allmyles API (see Details.)

Sends the book request for this car.

  • $parameters (mixed) – Either a BookQuery object, or an associative array containing the raw data to be sent off based on the Booking API docs.

A Curl\Response object. Calling Curl\Response::get() on this returns an associative array with the response from the Allmyles API. See Booking.

class Allmyles\Cars\Vendor

This contains data about a vendor.

property id

A string.

This is what Allmyles identifies the vendor by internally.

property name

A string.

property code

A string.


Sends a search request that will return more results from this vendor.

Returns:A Curl\Response object. Calling Curl\Response::get() on this returns a new array of Cars\Car objects.
class Allmyles\Common\Price
property amount

A floating point number.

Contains the amount of money in the given currency that the price entails.

property currency

A string.

Contains the currency that the amount is in.

class Allmyles\Common\PriceRange
property minimum

A floating point number.

Contains the minimum amount of money in the given currency that the price
range entails.
property maximum

A floating point number.

Contains the maximum amount of money in the given currency that the price
range entails.
property currency

A string.

Contains the currency that the amounts are in.

class Allmyles\Common\Location
property latitude

A floating point number.

Contains the latitude of the location.

property longitude

A string.

Contains the longitude of the location.